Supplementary income in the event of disability
WIA insurance for Metalektro

If you are unable to work due to illness or disability, your employer continues to pay all or part of your salary for two years. After that period, the benefits agency UWV will assess your medical condition. If your incapacity for work is then still 35% or more, you will be entitled to a benefit under the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (WIA). The benefit will usually be lower than your regular income.

You can take out Metalektro WIA insurance via your employer to supplement your benefit from the UWV. Even if you don’t receive a benefit from the UWV, you may still be entitled to compensation under the Metalektro WIA insurance policies. That will give you a feeling of security!

Protect your income with Metalektro WIA insurance

A lengthy absence from work due to illness or disability? Supplement your income with insurance policies designed specifically for Metalektro.


Well protected

Metalektro WIA insurance

Every employee covered by the collective agreement for Metalektro can participate in the Metalektro WIA insurance scheme (see 3.8.6 and 3.8.7 of the collective agreement). These insurance policies have been developed specifically for Metalektro in consultation with the parties to the collective agreement and therefore complement each other and are aligned with the requirements of the collective agreement. In other words, you will not be doubly insured.

From 1 January 2023, the insurance policies are managed by Centraal Beheer and Avéro Achmea. The cover provided by the products has been expanded. For example, the insurance benefits continue until the state pension age. The maximum age is 68, which is higher than the current state pension age.

Three Metalektro WIA insurance policies

The Disability Gap Extra (WGA Hiaat uitgebreid) policy supplements your income up to at least 70% of the salary you earned before you became disabled for work. This is the most comprehensive of Metalektro’s WIA insurance policies. We have compiled a list of the most important features of Metalektro’s WIA insurance policies (see the accompanying document Product features). You will find more information about Centraal Beheer’s WIA insurance policies for Metalektro here.


When are you entitled to a benefit?

If you have been absent from work due to illness or disability for longer than two years, the UWV will call you for a medical assessment. It will then determine the level of your disability for work. The outcome of the assessment will determine whether you are eligible for a benefit. You can supplement the benefit you receive from the UWV with Metalektro’s WIA insurance policies. Even if you don’t receive a benefit from the UWV, you may still be entitled to compensation under Metalektro’s WIA insurance policies.

Taking out Metalektro WIA insurance

You may only take out WIA insurance if your employer falls under the collective agreement for Metalektro.

If you wish to join the scheme, complete the selection form and give it to your employer. Your employer will register you with the insurer.

If you don’t wish to take out Metalektro WIA insurance, sign the waiver and give it to your employer, who will forward it to the insurer.


Competitive prices

The employers’ organisation FME and the trade unions (FNV Metaal, CNV, De Unie en VHP2) work together in the Consultative Council in the Metalektro (ROM). In 2024, the ROM is again offering a discount on the premiums for the Metalektro WIA insurance, which will therefore be lower than last year. The premium will be withheld from your gross salary, which means an additional tax break for you.

The premium percentages in 2024


More information and contact details

If you have any questions about Metalektro WIA insurance, ask your employer.

Or contact the trade unions involved with the the Metalektro WIA insurance scheme:

FNV: (088) 368 0368
CNV: (030) 751 1001
De Unie: (0345) 85 1851
VHP2: (040) 211 6222

Employers can contact FME: (088) 400 8400.

Or go to the insurance company’s website

Since 1 January 2023, the Metalektro WIA insurance policies are being managed by Centraal Beheer and Avéro Achmea. Which Achmea brand manages your insurance depends on how your employer took out the policy.

If the policy was taken out directly, it is managed by Centraal Beheer.

If the policy was taken out via the intermediary Aon, it is managed jointly by Avéro Achmea and Aon.

Questions about the collective agreement for Metalektro?

Go to or call (070) 317 1900. Or send an e-mail to

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